Monday, November 1, 2010

Design as Communication: Representing Things & Ideas Reflection

Reflection on the project: What did you learn?

Design is a major in which I thought I could excel. There are so many paths that could be taken as a high school graduate, and persuading a career in design seemed the best place for me to strive as young adult. To my enjoyment the projects we have been faced with have challenged my creativity as a designer, but most importantly an artist. In our last project we were forced to draw the same hand tool from observation over 200 times. At times, I will admit, I wanted to throw my stapler across the room because I could not come up with any more ways to recreate the object. This is where class discussions and critiques helped me break out of my thought path and see how someone else interpreted the project. This project has taught me to let my expression and creativity be endless and never be afraid to fail. Ideas do not always come out on the page the way you envisioned them. I have found that the most frustrating thing about design is that you do a lot to get a little. Not everything you do is going to be appreciated or even seen, but it’s a great feeling once you finally achieve your final project.
There was also quite a steep learning curve on this project. I have never had any experience with graphics software before coming KU, which made me hesitant about creating a quality final product. To my surprise, the little tricks we were shown were enough to help me figure out Illustrator and Photoshop with ease. By the end, I was having trouble telling myself I was actually finished. I have never been put in a situation artistically were there really no limits. Every time I reopened the project I thought of something else I could do to make the piece stronger. As a classically trained artist, being able to “command z” at every mistake and create perfect drawling in a matter of minutes felt like heaven.

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