Thursday, December 13, 2012

Rapid Prototyping

Stereo Lithography


Manufactured Landscapes


 This film examines the landscapes that are created as a result of humans and manufacturing. The way in which he highlights each area is starling but done with an essence that makes each landscape appear beautiful. I would definitively recommend this for an interesting take on photograph and anthropology.

Mardi Gras Made in China

Mardi Gras made in China was a mind blowing film. It examined where the beads that people hand out during Mardi Gras are manufactured. To say the least the conditions these people work under are slave like. They make ten cents an hour to produce these plastic beads and until the documentary came  to tour the factory were unaware of why they were being made. I am very glad I was born in the US.

Target Pot and Pan Comparison

Cell Phone Discetion

Design Manifesto

            Well-designed objects can be treated as a form of communication that informs and allows people to easily identify with a product or concept based on its associated style, color, or form.  Industrial design is the process of creating a product that combines the best aesthetics, ergonomics, and usability. This can be directly compared to how typography is judged on form, readability, and the feelings it portrays. Unfortunately, the majority of mainstream product design focuses on creating products that’s aim is intended to impress or blind consumers with atheistic that are no more useful than they are elegant. This style of thinking allows for the production of transparent designs, which are lacking in strong user research, usefulness, and the sustainability. I feel that it is imperative to design around extensive target market research, form that follows function, and conserving recourses as to sustain the environment by minimizing physical or unnecessary visual pollution. As an industrial designer, I bring order from chaos, detail from slag, and hope from despair to achieve the most logical possible outcome.

Berry Plastics


Berry Plastics is a Lawrence based manufacturing company that specializes in plastic production. They make products for McDonald's, Taco Bell, Starbucks...etc. The factory itself is made up of two different sections. One side focuses on Injection Molding Thermaformin. These Machines are massive and complete an alarming number of units per minute. All plastics are form from resin that is shipped straight to the factory via rail.